NGSS Standards:
2-LS2-2, 4-LS1-1
Crosscutting Concepts:
Structure and Function, Systems and System Models
What’s it like to be a kid doing experiments in one of the most famous science places in the world? Oscar and Mae Johnson were nine and twelve when they traveled to the Galapagos Islands with their scientist dad. The Galapagos are isolated tropical islands made famous by Charles Darwin, who came up with the theory of evolution based on his research there. Mae and Oscar followed in Darwin’s footsteps. With help from their parents, they conducted their own research and got it published in a scientific journal - a big deal for scientists of every age! Hear Mae and Oscar tell their own story of science discovery in this episode.
Oscar and Mae's parents shared these photos from their adventure with us.

Here's "Droopy," the marine iguana that Mae and Oscar befriended.

This is the plant that Tribulus comes from.

And here's Tribulus! This photo demonstrates how the seeds have genetic variation, which causes them to grow (or not grow) different numbers of spines.

This is what they looked like when Oscar and Mae spray painted them orange. Spiny Cheetos, anyone?

Oscar and Mae out in "the field" doing their experiment.

Oscar "dispersing" the seeds while Mae documents the data.

Closeup on Tribulus about to get stomped.

They also used a towel to simulate how Tribulus might get dispersed by beach goers.

The family on the road!
This video from the Galapagos Conservation Trust introduces you to all the unique species there.
This half hour documentary shares the relationship between the Galapagos and the theory of evolution.
Want to learn more about Tribulus and Darwin's finches? There's a great book for adults called "The Beak of the Finch."
This video also provides a great look at the research in the book.