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Here's what our listeners have to say about Tumble.

From Geoffrey, a teacher

Using Tumble to teach up-cycling to third graders

From Evie, 8 years old

Evie combines lessons from two episodes to create a new idea for an experiment

From Ms. Xenos' third graders

Creating Sketchnotes from Tumble

From Ms Xenos' third graders

Third graders listening to Tumble and Sketchnoting!

From Ms Xenos' third graders

A lesson plan involving Tumble

From Ms Xenos third graders

Third graders listening to Tumble and Sketchnoting!

From Ms Xenos' third grade

A Sketchnote from "How Ants Conquered the Earth with Corrie Moreau"

From Tiffany, a mother

Tommy dreams of becoming a scientist at a snake farm, and asks to listen to Tumble everyday

Vomiting Larry by Robby

Can you see the vomit with the lights off?

From Robby, a listener

Robby describes his drawing of a vomiting robot

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