2 min read
The Quest for the Edge of the Universe with Katie Mack
Does the universe go on forever? Or does it have an edge? Jack and Kate have a few ideas about how to find out, involving a GoPro and a...
1 min read
Meet The Bacteria Farmer
EDUCATION RESOURCES: NGSS Standards: LS Wonder what it actually looks like to farm bacteria? Meet Sarah Richardson. She works at the...
3 min read
How to be a Science Writer with Carl Zimmer
I’ve admired Carl Zimmer ever since I became a science reporter. Science is complicated and most of the time, hard to explain. But when I...
3 min read
The Secret of Dark Energy With Jeff Silverman
EDUCATION RESOURCES: NGSS Standards: ESS 5-ESS1-1 Dark Energy. The name sounds like something out of science fiction, and so does the...
6 min read
The Tale of The Brain Scoop with Emily Graslie
EDUCATION RESOURCES: NGSS Standards: LS We love Emily Graslie and her awesome, amazing science YouTube series, The Brain Scoop! We jumped...