2 min read
The Hunt for Black Holes with Karl Gebhardt
How do black holes work? And how do we learn about them, when they're impossible to see? EDUCATION RESOURCES: NGSS Standards: ESS Karl...

2 min read
The Mystery of When Brains and Sports Collide with Kiki Sanford
EDUCATION RESOURCES: NGSS Standards: LS What happens to your brain when you get a concussion? It's common to get hit in the head when...

1 min read
The Explorers Club
In this episode, we take you inside the famed Explorers Club in New York City, where we meet a real explorer! Richard Garriott de Cayeux...

2 min read
The Quest for the Edge of the Universe with Katie Mack
Does the universe go on forever? Or does it have an edge? Jack and Kate have a few ideas about how to find out, involving a GoPro and a...

1 min read
Meet The Bacteria Farmer
EDUCATION RESOURCES: NGSS Standards: LS Wonder what it actually looks like to farm bacteria? Meet Sarah Richardson. She works at the...