1 min read
The People of the Snow with Kelly Elder
EDUCATION RESOURCES: NGSS Standards: ESS 5-ESS2-1, 2-ESS2-3 Crosscutting Concept: Patterns In this episode, we learned about how...
3 min read
Journey to the Center of the Earth with Ta-Shana Taylor
EDUCATION RESOURCES: NGSS Standards: ESS You might have already learned that the Earth is made of more than you can see. Geologists, who...
3 min read
The Voyage of the Ocean Trash with Jenni Brandon
EDUCATION RESOURCES: NGSS Standards: ESS K-ESS3-3, 5-ESS2-1 Crosscutting Concept: Cause and Effect Systems and System Models The Great...
4 min read
The Journey to the Deepest Part of the Ocean with Gaelin Rosenwaks
EDUCATION RESOURCES: NGSS Standards: ESS 5-ESS2-1 Crosscutting Concepts: Systems and System Models Where is the deepest part of the...
2 min read
The Hunt for Black Holes with Karl Gebhardt
How do black holes work? And how do we learn about them, when they're impossible to see? EDUCATION RESOURCES: NGSS Standards: ESS Karl...
2 min read
The Quest for the Edge of the Universe with Katie Mack
Does the universe go on forever? Or does it have an edge? Jack and Kate have a few ideas about how to find out, involving a GoPro and a...
3 min read
The Secret of Dark Energy With Jeff Silverman
EDUCATION RESOURCES: NGSS Standards: ESS 5-ESS1-1 Dark Energy. The name sounds like something out of science fiction, and so does the...